Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Rules of a Dysfunctional Family

Today I was cleaning the bathroom I flashed back to one of the many rules in my house growing up. I now find humor in all these little things I could not do and things to triggered abuse, as they are all ridiculous! So here is a funny post about Rules of a Dysfunctional Family.

I was not allowed to do this, even at 18-years-old!

Why? Because I might spill bleach on the carpet...

This was a no-no after vacuuming...

This was the proper way...

And no I did NOT get those picture switched!

These were just a few things that triggered being verbally attacked-

9 times out of 10, it wasn't even me, but I got it anyways!

This is my actual trash can from when I was a teenager. If I had a piece of paper in my trash can on garbage day, watch out!

I did learn some new rules about how to have a functional family while doing foster care. Our 6-year-old's therapist taught me about picking your battles. Is THAT something you really want to get in an argument about? On a scale of 1 to 10 how important is it? I learned a lot and how him doing certain things like changing his clothes 3 times a day did not cause the end of the world. He was actually great about it and always put his clothes in the hamper, I was just tired of doing his laundry 3 times a week.

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