Saturday, January 5, 2008


Dear (me), I know how much pain you are in. I know that it is hard right now, but your going to make it. You have more strength then you think. I'm sorry for how rough your life has been. Never forget that you are not alone. I don't like looking at your picture because it breaks my heart & makes me sad to think about what you are going though. You are trying so hard to just fit in, to be normal for once. You try to be happy all the time so no one will know that anything is wrong. You just want to be accepted, you want to be loved for once. There will be many people in your life that will love and support you the way you want your family to. It is tough when you have no one, but you won't be alone forever. It isn't fair that you have to go though all these trials. No one should have to go through everything you have & have yet to, but you do. You can make it because you are strong. One thing Sister Parker always told me "stay strong" and you do, you just keep going. You have shut down all your feelings to protect yourself. I know you didn't have a voice back then, but you do now.

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