Wednesday, February 18, 2015


It's 1 am and what am I doing? Blogging! What do I wish I was doing? SLEEPING! I swear lately my body will only sleep every other night! Seriously body? This girl need sleep! It does not help that I think I'm coming down with a cold. Last night I got such great sleep! I was out sometime between 11 and 1, I can't remember. Then I was partially awake before my alarm went off at 8. I got right up and got started on my day. It felt amazing. It was a crazy busy day and I don't think tomorrow will be much better. Only 3 more days of working at the store then I get to work from home again! I was exhausted and ready for bed by 11. I finished the one job that needed to get done and went to bed... 2 hours later I'm STILL awake! Come one!

Oddly enough, being sleep deprived makes me happier! I remember as newlyweds my poor husband thought I was crazy! I would wake him up in the morning when I hadn't slept and would be so happy and full of energy.

The first time I went on Prozac (11 months ago) It helped my sleep 100%. It was amazing! The past 9 months have been rough; so many ups and downs and on this medication then having to go off it due to health problems. Last night I couldn't help but think about something-

9 months ago I felt as if I was dying. If things had kept up with my crazy menstrual cycles I probably would have. I told my doctor that I wanted a hysterectomy (I've been wanting one for years, but every OBGYN I have asked has refused to do it). My wonderful Doctor P agreed that it would be best for me if I had one! I was over the moon excited! However... he wanted me to have health insurance before he would refer me to an OBGYN. I thought, okay, that will be easy, as soon as Brad's open enrollment comes around we'll sign up! About 4 months go by and he gets all the info. It wasn't that hard to look at the simple cost of it and say No Way! When you barely make ends meet $300 a MONTH is out of the question. A few months later my Mother-in-Law told me about Arches, that it was affordable insurance. I looked into it and it was going to be around $500 a month! Are you kidding me? 1 month ago the plan was keep doing what I'm doing- Go on Prozac, hold out until I couldn't take the bleeding anymore, go off Prozac, get the bleeding to stop, depression hit rock bottom so go back on Prozac and start they cycle all over again! Physically and emotionally it is SO not been good for me. I mean, while I'm on Prozac I'm good but I know sometime down the road I will have to go off, if I don't I could bleed to death (yes, seriously, I bleed that badly!)

Then 1 month ago Brad got a phone call from a former co-worker offering him a new job. There was no reason for us to say no to it, other then the schedule conflicted with our store. After debating we decided it would be best for our family to close the store and him to take the job and I go back to working from home. I've been really excited about this change. He started his new job 3 (work) days ago. Before he started we discussed health insurance and agreed if it was reasonable we should sign up. His co-worker told him it cost lest and covered more then their former employment did. Still, I have zero expectations. I had heard "affordable" before and I don't consider $400 a month very affordable. Get this... $100 a month! or was it like $88? Either way, it was amazing! The second that coverage kicks in I'm getting me a hysterectomy!!!!

Anyways, my point is, that last night as I look at health insurance papers I thought, What if... what if one of the reason my husband got this new job because we (I) need the health insurance?

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