Monday, January 18, 2016

I know I've written about it on here, but tonight while talking to Brad I realized how few people know the truth. If you read my posts then you know, Grace and Dr. P also know, and I believe my grandma knows. Other then that, no one knows what the 18 months leading up to my hysterectomy was like. Yes, the #1 reason I tell people that I had it was because my cycles were crazy, which they extremely were! What no one realizes is that I had this back and forth battle going on for 18 MONTHS.

I had 2 options in my life
1) Regulate my cycle, but not be able to take my anti-depressant. So I wasn't happy, was barely functioning, but hey I wasn't bleeding to death!

2) Take my anti-depressant, but my cycle would be uncontrollable! I was doing great emotionally, but physically it was actually killing me. There were days that I honestly thought, a few more days of this bleeding and I WILL bleed to death.

I spend over a year flip flopping the medications. I would go on my anti-depressant so I was emotionally good (yet bleeding) for a few months. Then go off it and go on my medication to regulate my cycles. Wait a few months until I couldn't take the depression anymore. Go back on my anti-depressant. You get the pattern.

I can't say it enough, I'm so glad it's over!!!! I could be having a horrible day and I all I have to do is just think about the fact I had the hysterectomy and it puts a smile on my face!

I've had people try to tell me I should have tried this or that before resorting to surgery. It's hard to explain that I tried this and that and I was stuck between a rock and a hard place. Afterwards the biggest weight was lifted!

It has been interesting to see people's reaction when they hear about my hysterectomy. It's not something I hide because I am SO HAPPY about it! It was great when I went back to see Dr. P 2 months after surgery. Last time I had talked to him he was giving me a referral to get it done. He didn't know it was over and done with.

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