Tuesday, April 21, 2015


So I was trying the essential oils that Hayley recommended. I realized something after I had forgotten to do them for 2 days... My body is super sensitive to any type of medication or natural supplement! Even if it doesn't seem to be doing anything, or I've only been trying it a few days, stopping it throws my body in a crazy downward spiral! Let's just say after climbing back up from rock bottom I'm in no hurry to do anything medically or naturally about the depression any time soon!

Today was rough. Today I sat at my desk, crying, wondering WHY. Sometimes Why can't things just go right for once? It all started when I got Em from pre-school.  I got my hair cut while she was in school, so naturally she spent the next 3 hours upset, throwing a fit off and on, that 1) I wouldn't take her to a "store" to get her hair styled and 2) Her hair isn't as curly as mine.

I needed to shower after my haircut, but also had a rush order that needed to be done today. I got the order cutting while I got in the shower. Usually jobs are cutting on the plotter for a few seconds to a few minutes. Well, I had time to shower, dry my hair and style it and the cutter was STILL going. So, a little background on this order. It was for the Young Woman's President in my ward and I decided to give her a 50% discount. Not only that, but I thought to make the projects more cute I would add some graphics for free. (for anyone else, it would have been $45 for the lettering and the graphics and I was charging her $15) The job finally finished, I sat down to work on it and decided since it was going to take a while I would turn on a TV show on my laptop to watch while I worked. Of course our internet was down, again! Third time this week. I decided to start working without the show on, only to discover that the letters were so tiny it wasn't going to work and I needed to change the font and re-cut it. At this point I decide I've had it with our internet provider and I'm calling them. I google search them from my phone since I couldn't find a bill from them with their # on it. Should I mention, I also run my business mostly online, so not having internet is a huge problem!

First time I called, the lady tried to set me up with new service! No matter how many times I told her, "I'm an existing customer. My internet is down AGAIN. I need help fixing it." She just kept going on setting up my new service. Finally I hung up on her! I called a second time- Their automated message options were press 1 for new residential service, 2 for commercial service, if you are an existing customer call your provider. I might had yelled at the phone, "YOU ARE MY PROVIDER!!!". The third time, they had no record of us as a customer, thus they couldn't help me...

While on the phone the second time I was hit with a very painful ovarian cyst. I have one that like to cause me pain every once in a while.

I feel like there was 1 more thing that went wrong, but I can't remember what it was...

Meanwhile, Brax is angry and throwing a fit because I won't let him play on the Wii. He is 3 and doesn't get how to play all the games, so he comes to me ever 30 seconds wanting me fix it. So I just told him no, he can't play.

At this point I sat at my desk crying, asking Heavenly Father, WHY can't anything just got right? I mean, come on, I'm trying to do nice things for people and nothing but bad things happen to me!

Finally, around the time my husband got home from work, things calmed down. I got my rushed order done, along with 2 other orders, Em got over her hair not being curly, Brax forgot about the Wii and our internet magically turned itself back on.

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