Friday, June 10, 2016

Thank You

I was scrolling through Facebook and I came across an article (which I now can't find). Anyways, it mentioned the mom who posted on Facebook about how she threw away her kid's ice cream because they didn't say "thank you". Personally, I thought that was way too harsh! I mean, really?

I guess I get it because I've been there. I vividly recall walking out of the Casino, we were celebrating our "Adoption Anniversary", which I hated because it just reminded me of the death of my mom. We went to a buffet at a local casino. I was around 14 or 15. As the waiter refill my sister and I's water glasses we didn't say Thank You. As we left that evening Grandpa told us we were "Ungrateful B*****'s" because we didn't say thank you.

Now, I try to teach my kids manners, but I NEVER force them to say thank you. If they don't want to say it, it is NOT the end of the world!

Imagine this- you give a kid a sticker or a piece of candy. How much do you think they enjoy that? Being a kid, probably a lot. Now, what if they didn't say Thank You, does that mean they don't enjoy it as much? No, it simply means they are KIDS! Kids don't get that they are expected to say Thank You all the time. They are little. Let them be little and enjoy life before they grow up and have to worry about jobs and paying bills and all the other adult stresses!

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