Sunday, December 20, 2009


Today I wanted really bad to change my chance of getting pregnant from slim to definitely can not happen. I hate my body/ reproductive organs! I wish I could just "give up". As I wandered around Wal-Mart trying to stay busy and keeping my mind off the pain I thought, It's one thing to have a hard time trying to get pregnant and it's a totally different thing when that causes you serious physical pain! Not worth it if you ask me right now!

I've been thinking about something James said. He said that the most important thing I can be doing is what I am do- working on my healing. I get that, I really do. But... I see James for an hour every two weeks. In between sessions I don't spend a lot of time working on my healing.

Back to the whole, I'm afraid of failing thing again! What if I'm not very good at it? And so on...

Then, there is also my book! I haven't done a lot with that either! What I need is someone, anyone to read it, help me with any grammar or spelling errors and give me honest input!


#1) Graduate from institute.
#2) Work on (actually try and start) group
#3) Get serious about my book!

Yay, I have goals in life!

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